This is an excerpt of my MA dissertation for Translation Studies, in which I translated a portion of the French Bande Dessinée (BD) Resisters by Jeanne Burgart Goutal and Aurore Chapon into English. The BD, set in the year 2030, offers a stark portrayal of what our future will look like if we continue to ignore the effects of the climate crisis. We follow the lives of different people and their introduction to ecofeminist ideology and theories, as well as understand how issues such as postcolonialism are directly linked to global warming. I have provided a translation of 3 chapters, followed by a commentary section in which I explain the theoretical framework and methodology for the source and translated texts. It is in this section where I discuss ecofeminism and postcolonialism in greater detail, and the software that I used for this project. The aim of this dissertation is to provide an English translation of Goutal and Chapon’s work, and to spread the message of ecofeminism to a wider audience.
Translating Ecofeminism_Dissertation project on the Bande dessinée ReSisters