This resource provides materials on Environmental English that have emerged out of a Bachelor’s course on sustainable digitalization. The course combines a detailed language instruction course that is offered to German students who study technical and business-related English. Within this seminar, students will be able to combine a study of environmental topics (either Bachelor’s or postgrad level) with the acquisition of advanced English language skills in a foreign language classroom. This toolbox description includes some guidelines on how to successfully integrate listening and reading as well as writing and speaking exercises into a subject-specific course for engineers. Key topics include: sustainable cities, environmental terminology across the globe, distinctive histories of environmentalism (Germany, US and Britain, with additional group work on other countries); pros and cons of a cost-benefit analysis of climate change as well as discussions on the relationship between sustainability and digitalization, including industry 4.0 and 5.0; relationship of environmentalism to specific consumerist and business concepts, e.g. vanity capital in Asia, sustainable employees and the quantification of the self at work; current environmental projects across the globe, e.g. building projects and environmental protection in South America, Middle Eastern projects in the desert regions.
- Course description
- DIGISUS_Seminar_Syllabus_Project_Tasks (1)
- Collection of Scripts for all Sessions_WS 22-23_DIGISUS_Dr. M. Jauch
- Introduction to Environmental Topics_Presentation_Dr. Martina Jauch_July 2023
- Book Summary of Heise From Blue Planet to Google Earth for Homework
- Notes on Social Justice through Automation
- Summary of Chapter 6, Agenda for a Networked Society